A Patient’s Guide to Idiopathic Neuropathy

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At Complete Rehab, we help patients deal with neuropathy of all kinds.  Neuropathy is a type of nerve damage or dysfunction, and it can be caused by a number of different things, with one of the most common being diabetes. Sometimes, however, neuropathy has no known cause, or can’t be tied definitively to a single source. Doctors refer to these as cases of idiopathic neuropathy. In this article, our team will go over what patients like you need to know about idiopathic neuropathy and how to treat it.

Doctors refer to these as cases of idiopathic neuropathy

  • Diagnosis- When you come to our team for neuropathy treatment, we will perform a variety of tests to determine whether there is a single cause and what that cause is. Identifying the cause of the issue allows us to treat the problem more effectively. If our tests do not point to a definitive cause, we will rule it a case of idiopathic neuropathy (unable to determine the cause) and proceed from there. While we may not be able to find a single source of the problem, we will be sure to design a custom treatment plan to give you the effective relief you are looking for, and the quality of your care will not suffer.
  • Treatment- The treatment for any type of neuropathy, including idiopathic neuropathy, depends on the specific nerves affected and the symptoms involved. For instance, if your idiopathic neuropathy is manifesting as tingling or numbness, part of your treatment will involve going over safety precautions to help you avoid accidental injuries. Similarly, if you are experiencing muscle weakness, we can provide support and occupational therapy to help you navigate your routine safely. Our team accepts Medicare, and we do not require referrals, so we encourage you to give us a call.