If you’ve decided to see a neuropathy specialist to aid in alleviating your pain, it’s a good idea to come prepared with some key information. Armed with these details, your specialist can help get you on track toward diagnosing an underlying condition and creating an individualized treatment plan.
Ahead of your initial visit with a neuropathy specialist, here are four things you’ll want to know to be prepared:
- Medical history: Your neuropathy specialist will want to develop an understanding of your medical background, including past diagnoses you’ve received, accidents you’ve experienced, or surgeries you’ve undergone.
- Symptoms: Come equipped with knowledge of the pain symptoms you’re experiencing and the timeline and severity of these symptoms. These symptoms might include numbness, muscle weakening or cramping, impaired balance, loss of mobility or dexterity, and tingling or burning in your hands or feet.
- Lifestyle: Your neuropathy specialist may want to know about your lifestyle, for example, your diet, sleep, and physical exercise habits, and potential risk factors, like drinking and smoking.
- Medication: Having your list of medications at the ready can help your neuropathy specialist better identify how to improve your pain symptoms. You’ll want to know the name, dosage, and frequency with which you take your medications. Your specialist may also want to know about any vitamins or supplements you take, as these can all interact with each other.
If you’re located in the Clemmons, North Carolina area and curious about how a neuropathy specialist could help you lead a healthier, happier, more comfortable life, contact our team at Compete Rehab!