If you are in a canoe that is leaking, you will never be able to stop scooping out the water if you are to remain afloat. However, if you take it to shore and make the necessary repairs, you’ll be able to take your canoe anywhere with confidence. If you are living with neuropathy and never make corrective actions to your lifestyle and forego treatment, not only will you continue to suffer the neuropathy symptoms, but they will likely worsen over time. In addition to seeking treatment, here are a few lifestyle habits you should adopt that can make a difference.
- Eat a healthier diet- Vitamin deficiencies can cause and worsen nerve damage and disease, so be sure you get all the necessary nutrients in your diet.
- Exercise- Improving muscle strength can have many benefits to your overall health while also benefiting you as a neuropathy sufferer.
- Don’t smoke- Smoking has more adverse health effects than you might think. It isn’t just the risk of lung cancer and respiratory system illnesses to be concerned with. Smoking can keep nutrients from getting to the nerves, robbing them of the chance to heal and causing your neuropathy to worsen.
- Lose weight- Achieving a healthy weight will put less strain on muscles and on the nerves that you are hoping to regenerate and heal.
- Limit alcohol- Excessive consumption of alcohol can be a cause of neuropathy. The goal is to supply your nerves with what they need to be healthier.
- Review mediations- Some medications can worsen neuropathy, so don’t hesitate to ask your physician for alternatives if need be.
At Complete Rehab, we are happy to make recommendations for changes in your lifestyle that can help you reduce or eliminate your neuropathy symptoms. We look at the entire picture rather than focus on one small part of improving your situation. Let us assess your situation and come up with a treatment plan that fits you best. Reach out to us today to learn more or to schedule an appointment.