Numbness, Winston-Salem, NC

Home > Neuropathy Symptoms, Winston-Salem, NC > Numbness, Winston-Salem, NC

If you are experiencing numbness, let us help you heal and get back to doing the things you love.

Numbness in Winston-Salem, North CarolinaWhile we all can have short-term incidents of numbness when we have stayed in an awkward position for too long, continued numbness or chronic numbness isn’t something you should ignore. Here at Complete Rehab, we specialize in the treatment of neuropathy symptoms, such as numbness. We work to find the cause and develop the individual treatment plan that will make a difference. If you have tried to have your numbness treated before and found that being given medication or exercises that didn’t work wasn’t helpful, we strongly recommend coming to see us for a better way to handle your numbness.

It is always best to seek treatment when you first notice numbness, so there is a better chance of resolving the issue entirely. However, that doesn’t mean we cannot provide you some relief even if you have been suffering with numbness for quite a while. We have experience with all 35 types of neuropathy, so if your brain processes are producing feelings of numbness, we are confident that a solution can be found that improves this frustrating situation.

Whether you have only numbness or you have other symptoms such as pain, tingling, weakness, or burning, we recommend contacting our outpatient rehab center in Clemmons, near Winston-Salem, North Carolina, for an appointment. If you have any questions about our treatments for dealing with numbness or any of our neuropathy treatments, don’t hesitate to contact us. We truly care about helping you heal from numbness so you can get back to doing the things you love with your family and friends.

At Complete Rehab, we treat neuropathy symptoms, including numbness, in patients from Clemmons, Winston-Salem, Greensboro, High Point, Charlotte, Concord, Mooresville, Lewisville, Salisbury, Lexington, Forsyth, Davie, Davidson, Yadkin, Guilford, Wilkes, Surry, and Iredell Counties, North Carolina.